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MMD Systems Gazelle Cloud

Oct. 18, 2010
Platform is an Internet-based dental office management package.
BRASLETON, Georgia--Dental offices can stop investing in new computer equipment that immediately becomes obsolete and requires constant IT maintenance. MMD Systems, inventors of the MediaDent practice-management software, has introduced the Gazelle Cloud Computing Platform. Designed especially for the dental office, Gazelle helps makes IT simple by combining SasS (Software as a Service) and total virtualization. For one fixed-monthly fee, Gazelle allows a dental office to be fully automated using a terminal and an existing high-speed Internet connection. Gazelle provides quick and easy access to the MediaDent software suite (practice management, clinical charting, treatment planning and digital X-ray). Whether a dental office chooses to use its existing desktops or a terminal, they will remain connected to Gazelle. Gazelle's simplicity allows an office to operate without purchasing additional servers or IT services. A practice gets safe and easy storage, verification, maintenance and accessibility to patients' data. Gazelle is designed to meet current and future HIPAA regulations on patient-record keeping. For more information, visit read more about dental software, go to dental software.To comment on this product, go to