By Dr. Michael Schuster
I read the other day that Warren Buffet was asked the secret to a successful life. He answered:
• Find work you love to do
• Share your life with the right person
Those are two of most important decisions you can make in life. There is an old saying, “Successful people leave clues and if you study the behaviors of successful people and choose the same behaviors, you’ll be successful as well.” No question, some are far more successful than others. How do these select individuals create success (get what they want) in their lives?
After coaching, knowing, and studying some of the most successful professionals in dentistry, I’ve found that their success follows a simple pattern of decision-making. This subject deserves more time and space, but I’ll give you an outline that has proven results.
The difference between success and failure is simple. Successful people make good decisions, and unsuccessful people make poor decisions or no decisions at all. People who know their values are able to make better decisions easier, faster, and with less conflict.
Values clarification, conflict resolution, and goal setting
The key to success in life and practice is to know your values. We all make decisions every day. Some decisions impact our entire life, while others simply impact a single event or experience. Having a process to make decisions is one of the most important key strategies in someone’s life.
VALUES CLARIFICATION (what matters most to you) is always first. Most set goals first, and then end up in distress, disharmony, and with their life and practice in chaos because their goals are in conflict with their values.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION is second. Most often we have to make a decision between one thing and another, one person or another, one activity or another. Conflict arises when decisions and behaviors aren’t in harmony with our deepest and most important values.
GOAL SETTING is last. Here’s the rub. If you don’t know your values (what matters most to you), then you are setting yourself up for conflict. All significant coaching is about helping people take actions that are consistent with their values. The most successful dentists I know select goals that are in harmony with their values — this is key. When your goals (decisions for the future) are in harmony with your values (what matters most), you will find your passion, natural motivation, and excitement.
When you take the time to discover your values, then acting on them is easier. The decisions you make in your life will help you create the practice and life that is right for you. The key to all of life is value. At first, value is what you get. For truly successful dentists, value is what you give. First you have to figure out what’s most important. But what gains even more value is when you identify what is important to your spouse, children, team, and patients.
If you want an extraordinary life and practice, then values and values clarification, for yourself and everyone you impact, will become one of the most important strategies that you integrate into your everyday life.
Always start with your values and your patients’ values. If you ever find yourself in conflict, it will be because your actions and goals are in conflict with your values.
A practicing dentist, Dr. Michael Schuster founded the Schuster Center in 1978. Guiding more than 3,500 graduates to achieve wealth and freedom, the Schuster Center is the first business school created exclusively for dentists. It will celebrate 30 years this year. Dr. Schuster is a cadre and former director at the Pankey Institute, adjunct faculty at the Dawson Center, OBI, and LSU Cosmetic Continuum. Dr. Schuster can be reached at or [email protected].