Let me introduce you to a very special continuing-education experience called "PAULINA’S PROMISE," started by Dr. Gary Radz and his wife, Nora. The story of their tragic experience is best told by Gary.
"The only home our daughter, Paulina, ever knew was the Cardiac Unit at The Children’s Hospital in Denver. During our 37 days there in 2002, my wife, Nora, and I were present at all times. We saw many families come through the Cardiac Unit with sick children, many of them infants. Most went home with their children, but a few, like us, were not as fortunate."
To give back to the Cardiac Unit that had worked so hard to save Paulina, Gary and Nora decided to put on an annual CE course, with profits going to the unit. The Radzes have done this since 2003.Their donations have helped purchase much-needed new equipment to save more infants.
This year, Dr. Bob Margeas and I are pleased to donate our services to this worthy cause. I will be speaking on new products, and Bob will present his great composite course. The program will be held on Nov. 12 in Denver. Go to http://www.paulinaspromise.com/ for more information.
Joe Blaes, DDS