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Data Bites: 58% of dental practices don't use phone scripts

July 9, 2015
New research from the Levin Group Data Center shows the effectiveness of phone scripting in securing new patients.

According to recent research conducted by the Levin Group Data Center, 58.2% of dental practices do not use scripts for the crucial new patient phone call.

Analysis by Roger P. Levin, DDS

You’d never dream of telling prospective patients to go to some other practice. Yet that’s the message you may be sending if you aren’t using scripts for new patient calls.

Every time your practice phone rings, it may be someone considering becoming your patient. The person answering the call must be prepared to handle the conversation skillfully—saying the right things, asking the right questions, and motivating the caller to make an appointment. The best way to make sure this happens consistently is to use scripts.

Not surprisingly, fully one-third of surveyed practices (34.43%) fall short of scheduling 95% or more of new patient callers. The report also indicates that only 76.23% of new patients are made within 7–10 days of the initial call, when patient motivation remains high.

Don’t make these common mistakes committed by so many of your colleagues. Instead, train your front desk staff with step-by-step scripts and for appointing new patient callers—and for seeing them within 10 days. These actions will keep prospective patients from slipping through your fingers.

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One-Minute Training: Give your team the practice management training they need. Sign up for Levin Group’sfree Practice Production Tip of the Day by clicking here.

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Updated April 22, 2016