This is what we all strive to do.This is a column created to embodya hands-on approach toward user-friendly solutions for our lives. Each month I discuss concepts relating to woman dentists, their lives, and their work. I focus on alternative dental products, Web sites, books, concepts, and organizations that simplify our world.
Protégé™ LED Ultrasonic Insert
(Discus Dental)
An ultrasonic with headlights? What a concept! This ultrasonic has a built-in, light-emitting diode in the ergonomic handle. The inserts, which are available in 25K or 30K, have an internal water flow and are compatible with any magnetostrictive ultrasonic system. A variety of tips are also available. The light allows for improved visualization, especially in the lingual or palatal regions of the dentition. Patients have commented on the comfort level, as well. For more information, reach Discus Dental at (800) 422-9448 or www.discusdental.com.
National Library Week
April 2-8
“Change your world @ your library®” is this year’s theme for National Library Week. As a 12-year library trustee, I have spent many hours in support of the right to read. The most important person in any library is its research professional. I am a frequent visitor to our American Dental Association Library in Chicago. They are willing to help solve your research queries. Be good to yourself. Visit your library this month. Find a genre that you love and borrow a book that will transport you to a place of relaxation. For more information, go to www.ala.org or call your local library.
Predator Burs
Darby Dental Supply Co.)
Have you ever needed to remove an amalgam or a non-precious metal-fused-to-porcelain crown? Until I found Predator Burs, I used different burs each time. Predator Burs are smooth and vibration-free. They cut through metal castings and amalgams with ease and precision. In my opinion, the Predator Turbo Bur is the most dependable bur to use for metal removal. Several sizes are available. Blister packaging allows for single-use delivery and prevents cross contamination. Reach Darby at (800) 645-2310 or www.darbydental.com.