Royal Philips Electronics unveils the landmark results of a new
practice-based evaluation today at the American Dental Association annual meeting. In a 90-day brand identified monadic evaluation of Sonicare Elite, involving 900 registered dental hygienists (RDHs) and more than 1,700 patients:
RDHs indicated that 95 percent of patients showed improved overall oral hygiene
· RDHs indicated that 92 percent of their patients' periodontal
status improved
· 98 percent of RDHs indicated they would recommend the Sonicare Elite to their patients
Learn About the Study Results:
· Real People. Real Results.: Hear about the Sonicare Elite
directly from the dental professional community. Visit the Philips booth for a 10-minute theatre presentation showcasing the results of the Sonicare Elite practice-based evaluation, where participating hygienists and patients provide their insights and experiences.
WHERE: Sonicare Booth #1812
CONTACT: Kelly O'Brien, MS&L