CHARLOTTE, North Carolina--CAO Group, a design and manufacturer of professional dental devices and materials, has made a donation to the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s Toothfairy.
The initial donation of CAO’s advanced Sheer White whitening film and Sheer FluorX fluoride treatment film will be shipped to 32 different NCOHF locations in the U.S. and Puerto Rico to help provide underserved children with brighter smiles and better oral health.
CAO Group announces SheerWhite special offers
“We are extremely pleased to be able to support NCOHF: America’s Toothfairy and their continuing efforts to eliminate pediatric oral disease and promote overall health and well-being for millions of children using our new, advanced film delivery technology,” said Dr. Densen Cao, president and CEO of the CAO Group.
“We are looking forward to shipping additional donations in the future as we continue to build a long and lasting partnership with the NCOHF.”
Added Fern Ingber, president and CEO of NCOHF: “We greatly appreciate the generosity of the CAO Group for sharing their latest film technology. CAO’s product contribution is helping NCOHF University and other community-based affiliate clinical partners deliver fluoride treatments to thousands of underserved children and brighten the smiles while improving the self esteem of thousands of at-risk teens.”
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