CHICAGO, Illinois--The American Dental Association now offers three of its most popular dental practice- management publications on Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook.
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ADA e-books “The ADA Guide to Starting Your Dental Practice,” “CEO Crash Course: A Dentist’s Guide to Practice Leadership,” and “Terminating Employment in a Dental Office” are available for wireless download on Kindle and Nook at a price of $44.95 each for ADA members and nonmembers.
Kindles and Nooks are mobile reading devices that allow readers to download books, magazines, and other media for easy and portable reading. This is the ADA's first step in a larger initiative to make all ADA publications available in a variety of formats, including other e-book readers such as the Sony Reader.
“Starting Your Dental Practice,” the first in the ADA Practical Guide Series, outlines the essentials of starting a dental practice whether as a solo practitioner or as an associate. “CEO Crash Course: A Dentist’s Guide to Practice Leadership” offers tips on how to build and maintain a strong dental practice. “Terminating Employment in a Dental Office” helps dentists navigate what can be the challenging process of firing office employees and offers tips on handling employee misconduct.
Visit Amazon's Web site to order the e-versions of Starting Your Dental Practice at, CEO Crash Course at, and Terminating Employment in a Dental Office at
Visit Barnes and Noble’s Web site to order e-versions of Starting your Dental Practice at, CEO Crash Course at, and Terminating Employment in a Dental Office at
In addition, all three books are available in hard copy by visiting the ADA Catalog online at or by calling (800) 947-4746. The hard-copy editions of “CEO Crash Course” and “Terminating Employment in a Dental Office” are $39.95 each for ADA members and $59.95 each for nonADA members. The hard-copy edition of “Starting Your Dental Practice” is $49.95 for members and $74.95 for nonmembers.
For more information about the ADA, visit the Association's Web site at
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