February Editor's Note for Proofs

Feb. 10, 2011

By Kevin Henry
Editor, Proofs

The countdown to Chicago Midwinter is officially on! The annual trip to the Windy City has become one of the highlights of the year for me as it has (in my opinion) become THE meeting for product launches, and a great place to reconnect with old friends and colleagues.

If you’re going to the Chicago Midwinter Meeting, here are two things you should do…

1. Be sure to download and print out the PDF of the “New Products to See at Chicago Midwinter” article that is included in this issue of the Proofs e-newsletter (click here to view it). This is the same article that was printed in the February issue of Dental Economics, so these are the products that dental professionals will be checking out in Chicago. Make sure you have the same information as your customers by viewing the same products they will be seeing.

2. Be sure to watch your e-mail inbox the morning of Thursday, Feb. 24. Not only is that the opening morning of Midwinter, but it is also the debut of the Proofs e-newsletter being produced twice each month. On that morning, we’ll have a special e-newsletter highlighting nine of the hottest products to see in Chicago … and it will be designed exclusively for the sales rep. My job is to arm you with the knowledge you need to help your customers, and knowing your way around the Midwinter show floor will help save you time and hopefully gain you a few more sales.

Yes, next Thursday’s e-newsletter will be the first time we’ve had two Proofs e-newsletters in one month, and this will now become the standard for each month. Beginning in March, you’ll see a Proofs e-newsletter delivered to you on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. This will ensure you get the latest information in the timeliest manner possible.

The Proofs e-newsletter subscription base keeps growing, and I thank you for that. I’m excited about the additions beginning next week, and I’m looking forward to bringing you information that will help you and your company succeed.

If you’ll be in Chicago, please stop me and say hi if you see me in the exhibit hall. If you ever have any suggestions or comments on editorial, drop me a line at [email protected]. I’m always glad to hear from you.

Read on, this is your e-newsletter…