ROCK HILL, South Carolina--KOMET USA has announced that field reports on the clinical applications of the company's Q-Finishers indicate the instrument demonstrates noteworthy performance when employed for orthodontic-debonding procedures. To read more about KOMET, go to KOMET.Originally engineered and designed to simplify and enhance the efficient trimming and finishing of composite restorations, the KOMET Q-Finisher bur incorporates a cross-cut that helps deliver operator accuracy, operative efficiency, and patient comfort. For orthodontic debonding, the KOMET Q-Finisher carbide’s noncutting tip helps minimize the potential for tissue impingement and trauma. For composite-restorative procedures, the noncutting tip makes the KOMET Q-Finisher an instrument of choice for the trimming and finishing of labial/facial restorations.KOMET Q-Finisher burs H48LQ (0.12-mm diameter), H135Q, (0.14-mm diameter) and H375RQ (0.16-mm diameter) are suitable for orthodontic debonding procedures, as well as for working with composite restorations when efficiency and accuracy are expected. Contact KOMET USA at (888) 566-3887 or log on to comment on this topic, go to