WASHINGTON, D.C.--With the arrival of EMS Week in 2010, the nation’s emergency physicians have launched a campaign called Seconds Save Lives to educate the public about what to do in an emergency.
“People witnessing a medical emergency should be prepared to take action, which can mean anything from calling 911 to performing CPR,” said Dr. Angela Gardner, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
“The most important, and yet sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to keep your composure. You will be better able to provide critical information to emergency responders and physicians, whether for yourself or someone else.”
ACEP is distributing 75,000 copies of the brochure, Seconds Save Lives, to emergency departments across the country and making it available for free on its consumer Web site, EmergencyCareForYou.org.
The brochure includes safety tips, as well as signs and symptoms of medical emergencies for adults and children. It makes recommendations on when to call for help (EMS or 911) and what actions to take while waiting for help to arrive.
Action can mean applying direct pressure on a wound, performing CPR, or splinting an injury. It may also mean keeping the person calm and telling emergency responders what you know of the person’s accident, illness, or medical history. Never perform a medical procedure if you’re unsure about how to do it.
* Do not move anyone involved in a car accident, injured by a serious fall, or found unconscious unless he or she is in immediate danger of further injury.
* Do not give the person anything to eat or drink.
* If the person is bleeding, apply a clean cloth or sterile bandage. If possible, elevate the injury and apply direct pressure on the wound.
* If the person is not breathing or does not have a pulse, begin rescue breathing or CPR. If you do not know how to, or have concerns about performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the American Heart Association has endorsed “hands-only” CPR. This means “pushing hard and fast in the middle of the victim’s chest with minimal interruptions,” at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. The pop song “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees is approximately 100 beats per minute, which is a helpful way to remember how fast to perform compressions. Continue chest compressions until the ambulance arrives.
For more information, visit handsonlycpr.org/.
“Nobody plans an emergency, but there are steps you can take to be prepared when emergencies happen,” said Dr. Gardner. “Programming I.C.E. (in case of emergency) contact information into your cell phone is helpful, as is having your family’s medical information organized and available to take with you to the emergency department. Everyone is only one step away from a medical emergency, and in an emergency, seconds can save lives.”
To read more about the campaign, visit www.EmergencyCareForYou.org/SSL. To download a free copy of the brochure, visit www.EmergencyCareForYou.org/SSLbrochure.
ACEP and MedicAlert Foundation are partnering to promote EmergencyCareForYou.org and to educate the public about medical emergencies.
For more information, visit www.medicalert.org.
To read more about emergency medicine, go to www.dentistryiq.com/index/display/article-display/373146/articles/dental-economics/volume-100/issue-2/features/emergency-medicine.html.
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