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Salaries in Healthcare launches world’s first global salary comparison website for healthcare professionals, dentists (INFOGRAPHIC)

Feb. 2, 2016
What would you make halfway around the world? Salaries in Healthcare, a new United Kingdom-based company, provides global data on salaries of doctors, dentists, and healthcare professionals globally. The site also includes information on working conditions and personalized reports for healthcare workers looking to move abroad.

New United Kingdom-based company—and its website—set out to highlight the differences in compensation and working conditions of doctors, dentists, and healthcare workers globally

Last month, Glasgow-based Salaries in Healthcare (SIH) announced the launch of “the world’s first global comparison website for healthcare professionals.” The website allows doctors, dentists, and other healthcare workers to see how their working conditions, salaries, and job satisfaction rates compare to those of their colleagues domestically and abroad. In doing so, the website allows healthcare professionals and students valuable insight in planning the next steps in their careers. highlights some of the stark contrasts that exist globally across specializations, genders, and geographic regions. For example, an average medical doctor’s salary in the United States is about double that of a doctor in the United Kingdom and about nine times that of a doctor in the Czech Republic.

Below is an infographic from SIH that explores how differing salary rates are affecting healthcare worker relocation, along with other notable statistics.


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SIH reports that international inequalities in salaries and working conditions drive a “global healthcare brain drain,” compounding a critical shortage of healthcare workers experienced by regions outside the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Migration data collected by the OECD shows that the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Spain, and Israel are the main beneficiaries of migrating physicians.

Gender inequality among physicians is another issue that SIH brings to light. For example, SIH reports that female doctors specializing in geriatric medicine and endocrinology in the United States tend to make approximately 40% less than their male colleagues. Interestingly, those in cardiac surgery and orthopaedics seem to be on similar pay scales.

With insights such as the examples included above, hopes to make its contribution to the global healthcare community by informing physicians and medical students. It also helps to provide valuable insight to governments and international organizations like the World Health Organization and OECD members working to solve healthcare problems.

Source: SIH press release 5 January 2016

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Updated April 22, 2016