KEY BISCAYNE, Florida--Pankey-trained dentists were scheduled to host a free dental clinic at the historic Stanton Community Center's gymnasium Aug. 1-2 in Annapolis, Md.
The program, called "Pankey Dental Access Days," will provide basic dental services to the underserved in the Annapolis area. The mission of the Pankey Dental Access Days clinic is to provide as many underserved people as possible with dental care over the course of the two days.
The L.D. Pankey Foundation, Inc., is making this possible as part of a national community outreach program.
"It's our way of helping people in need in our community. Other dentists who have trained at The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education will be organizing similar Pankey Dental Access Days events in their own communities across the country," said Dr. Denny Byrne, who is the local host leading this effort along with his wife, Dr. Nancy Ward.
Both are active members of The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. Dr. Byrne serves on the visiting faculty and Dr. Ward currently serves on the Institute's Board of Directors.
"We already have over 170 patients scheduled to receive preventive and restorative care during the free clinic days and we also expect walk-ins," Dr. Byrne explained.
These dedicated dentists have recruited a committed team of local professionals, including 20 dentists, 10 hygienists and dental assistants all from Pankey-affiliated practices. Rounding out the volunteer team will be 20 dental students from University of Maryland Dental School, and volunteers from the Stanton Center and Bay Area Community Church.
Dr. Ward said she realizes the free clinic is not going to solve the access to care problem, "but our efforts will certainly bring attention to the tremendous need for oral health care among many underserved Americans across the country," she added.
Dr. Keith Phillips of Winston-Salem, N.C., teamed with Dr. Lee Ann Brady, clinical director of The Pankey Institute, to establish the Pankey Dental Access Days program. According to Dr. Brady, "Dr. Phillips has been on our visiting faculty for many years."
He and his partner, Dr. Jonathan Cuthrell, were instrumental in establishing the Giving Hand Foundation in North Carolina, an organization dedicated to promoting the development of dental and medical clinics that provide free or reduced-fee services to needy individuals in North Carolina and selected Third World Countries.
The first project of the Pankey Dental Access Days clinic was held at the end of April at the Mount Vernon Baptist Church of Atlanta, Ga. The Atlanta clinic was facilitated by Dr. Donald R. Rozema, an Atlanta dentist on the Pankey Institute's visiting faculty.
More Pankey Dental Access Days are planned for across the country. Dr. Keith Phillips will be volunteering time throughout the year to help Pankey dentists with planning and logistics.
For more information on the institute, go to Pankey Institute.
To read more about the Pankey Institute, go to Pankey Institute.
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