KEY BISCAYNE, Florida--The Pankey Institute will hold four 2009 sessions of its "Occlusion in Everyday Dentistry" course at nSequence Center for Advanced Dentistry in Reno, Nev.
Announced dates for these courses in 2009 are March 22-25, May 26-29, Aug. 9-12, and Dec. 6-9.
This four-day Pankey course, which is level one of the four "Pankey Essentials" courses, also is taught at The Pankey Institute in Key Biscayne almost every month of the year.
According to Dr. Steve Ratcliff, chairman of the Department of Education, "Daniel R. Llop, the CEO and President of nSequence has built a magnificent teaching facility with beautiful state-of-the-art multimedia capabilities. We are excited to do our first Western classes in Reno. It is a beautiful area with great amenities and a great site in which we can establish a presence."
In this course, the Pankey faculty take participants on an exploration of occlusal disease and when its management is vital to the success of the dentistry and doctor-patient relationship.
Seminars and clinical exercises include how to identify the causes and effects of occlusal disease, making records to fully evaluate a case, why centric relation is important, where to find and record centric relation, learning about and practicing a co-discovery exam that involves the patient, understanding when equilibration is important and when it isn't, and lab and clinical techniques you can take home and put to use immediately.
Seminars and discussion forums will help build a behavioral foundation, as well as move one towards financial freedom. A total of 39 AGD lecture and participation credits will be available.
For more information and to register, call 800-4PANKEY or visit Pankey Institute.
To read more about Pankey Institute, go to Pankey Institute.
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