Peter E. Dawson Foundation to make substantial donation

Feb. 26, 2008
Contribution will support dental education and worldwide dental outreach programs.

ST. PETERSBURG, Florida--With a commitment to give back for the advancement of ethical dentistry, scientific research and worldwide dental outreach programs to help the less fortunate, leaders of the new Dawson Academy are announcing the creation of the Peter E. Dawson Foundation.

The announcement was made by DeWitt Wilkerson, DMD, the foundation's chairman during a press conference in Chicago during the recent Midwinter Dental Meeting.

"The foundation supports the education of dentists all over the world," Wilkerson said. "These are dentists who do not have the training that dentists have here in the United States and whose patients cannot afford or know about proper oral heath care."

Dr. Wilkerson has experience in this type of venture. He serves on the Advisory Board for Trinity Forum and has gone to Kenya and Romania on numerous dental mission trips. He is a founding member of the Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study, a Senior Faculty Member for the Dawson Academy and an adjunct faculty member of University of Florida College of Dentistry.

A member of many national and international dental societies, Dr. Wilkerson has lectured extensively on occlusion, restorative dentistry and the diagnosis and treatment of masticatory system disorders.

The foundation's remaining directors include Peter E. Dawson, DDS; Robert L. Frazer, DDS; Douglas E. Reese, MBA; Joan S. Forrest, BA, MS; and Mark Dawson. Interviews are currently being held to fill five additional director positions.

In addition to its outreach program, another of the foundation's goals is to provide an annual opportunity for new dental school graduates to learn key fundamentals for successful and ethical practices, new practice start-up tips, and concepts for financial security and practice management for a balanced family life. There will be no tuition for attendees.

Funding for the new foundation was started with an initial commitment of $500,000 from Dr. and Mrs. Dawson. According to Wilkerson, he expects to have more than $700,000 in pledged commitments by March 1.

For more information about the Peter E. Dawson Foundation, call (800) 952-2178 or visit Peter E. Dawson Foundation.

To read more about dental outreach, go to dental outreach.