Be sure to nominate your mentor for the 2010 Philips Sonicare/RDH Mentor of the Year Award

Aug. 13, 2009
Nominations due by Sept. 30, 2009.

Nominate your Mentor for the 2010 Philips Sonicare/RDH Mentor of the Year Award

A RDH Mentor is a dental hygienist who is a:

* Wise and loyal advisor or coach
* Teacher who motivates, inspires, and challenges our growth
* Friend and tutor who helps us better know ourselves
* Trusted and supportive guide who builds our strengths

Help us celebrate excellence in the dental hygiene profession by nominating your RDH Mentor by Sept. 30, 2009.

If you nominate the winner, you will receive a $200 American Express Gift card.

The winner will receive:

* Roundtrip airfare and 2 nights hotel accommodation for the 2010 ADHA Annual Session
* A formal reception in the winner's honor
* Free tuition for the RDH Under One Roof 2010 Conference
* Cover photo on the April 2010 RDH® Magazine (and a feature story)
* Philips flat screen television, Sonicare toothbrush, and a crystal award.

Please take 5-7 minutes to submit your story and nominate your mentor. Click on the following link to submit your nomination:

Mentor of the Year

For more information, go to DentistryIQ.

To read more about the Philips Sonicare/RDH Mentor of the Year Award, to go Mentor of the Year.

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