National Children's Oral Health Foundation announces new Web site

June 22, 2009
Site offers visitors an opportunity to explore the programs and elements of the foundation.

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina--National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's Toothfairy has announced a new Web site at National Children's Oral Health Foundation.

Created by Einstein Industries Inc., the site features photos and elements that help users understand the mission of NCOHF: America's Toothfairy. The site is user-friendly and offers visitors an opportunity to explore the programs and elements of the foundation.

Since 2006, NCOHF has worked to eliminate pediatric dental disease by staying focused on oral health and education among our nation's most economically challenged children and their families. Even though pediatric dental disease is completely preventable, it affects millions of children in our country, causing pain so severe it can impact a child's ability to eat, sleep, learn and thrive.

NCOHF: America's Toothfairy works with a growing national network of non-profit dental facilities, called affiliates, to provide preventive measures, treatment and education for underinsured children across the country.

NCOHF's underwriters and corporate sponsors are included in the new web design, as are programs Tomorrow's SMILES, ATF Dental Home and NCOHF Oral Health Zone. A new feature called Parent's Corner offers families fun and engaging activities to share with their children promoting good oral health care practices.

Visitors interested in making donations to NCOHF's fundraising campaigns have several ways to connect to the e-commerce page, including Adopt the Care of A Child, Dental Office Toothfairy Campaign, Dental Hygienist Toothfairy Campaign and the Million Smiles program.

Thanks to underwriters, 100% of donations to these campaigns go directly to programs that change the lives of children in America.

"We appreciate the incredible work Einstein has done to create this beautiful new site," said Chris Drake, NCOHF's COO. "From the opening flash to the final subpage, Einstein has built a powerful, all-encompassing site that provides visitors easy navigation through the multiple layers of NCOHF's work. We are proud to introduce this site as we roll out to the public as America's Toothfairy."

To read more about NCOHF, visit National Children's Oral Health Foundation.

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