ADA president issues statement on passage of dental resolution
WASHINGTON, D.C.--"On behalf of the 157,000 members of the ADA, its officers and its staff, I would like to thank Congressman Mike Simpson for sponsoring--and the House of Representatives for passing--a resolution congratulating the ADA on its 150th anniversary, which the Association celebrates this year.
"Though always vigilant on behalf of its members, the ADA nonetheless devotes considerable time and resources advocating for public health measures like community water fluoridation and initiatives to improve access to oral health care services for all Americans. And of course, everyone recognizes the ADA's role in emphasizing the benefits of prevention of disease through good oral hygiene. The ADA has always worked under the assumption that improving the public's health and promoting the interests of dentistry are not mutually exclusive. In fact, one is essential to the success of the other.
"So, again, we thank Reps. Simpson, Steve Buyer, Donna Christensen and the rest of the House of Representatives for passing the resolution. It is truly moving to receive such recognition."
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