Company founder invited to be Scottsdale Center instructor

Oct. 31, 2007
ProDrive Systems founder Dr. Derek M.J. Turner extended invitation to teach at Scottsdale Center for Dentistry.

MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada--ProDrive Systems Inc. has announced that company founder, Dr. Derek M.J. Turner, has been invited to be an instructor at the Scottsdale Center for Dentistry.

The center is considered one of the most complete dental postgraduate continuing education facilities in America. Dr. Gordon Christensen, dean of the Scottsdale Center and top American clinician and dental educator, extended the invitation. Dr. Turner acted as a continuing education mentor at Dr. Christensen's inaugural lecture.

Dr. Turner, founder and chairman of ProDrive Inc., said, "I was honored to work side-by-side with Dr. Christensen as well as other leading doctors while at the Scottsdale Center. This facility represents an excellent multi-disciplinary and evidence-based environment for post-graduate dentists to improve upon and learn new best practices. I have previously worked with Dr. Christensen at Practical Clinical Courses and look forward to working with him to help educate doctors, now and in the future."

Regarding Dr. Turner's activities at the Scottsdale Center, Dr. Christensen said, "Derek has been working closely with me for more than a decade. I feel that we share a symbiotic goal of improving dentistry, and I'm proud to count him as one of my most trusted colleagues, helping me maintain the Center's ongoing commitment to improving post-graduate education among our peers. His presence at the Center is invaluable as not only does he bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, but the willingness and ability to share that knowledge with other doctors."

For more information about the center, go to Scottsdale Center for Dentistry.