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Remarketing: It’s not just for Google anymore

Nov. 21, 2019
While developing a remarketing campaign for your dental practice on Google is a great idea, you're not taking your campaign as far as it can go. Jackie Ulasewich advises dentists to look into social media remarketing.

Imagine that you’re shopping on Amazon for e-readers to give to the winners of your next patient appreciation raffle. You get as far as placing the items in your shopping cart when your phone rings. It’s a patient with a dental emergency, so all of your cyber shopping is put on hold. You treat your patient, eat dinner, go to bed, and forget about those e-readers. Three days later, you finally have an opportunity to go back online. You pop over to Google (eager to see the newest Google doodle), when . . . what’s this? Is it an ad for the very e-readers you almost purchased? This is the work of Amazon’s brilliant remarketing campaign.

Whether they’re shopping Amazon-big or independent-bookstore-small, businesses know that people get distracted when they’re online. Remarketing is the perfect solution for busy, multitasking, sidetracked people. If you’re only remarketing your practice on Google, however, you’re missing out. While prospective patients use search engines primarily when they’re seeking something specific, they regularly visit (sometimes multiple times a day) social media sites such as Facebook. 

Remarketing on Facebook 

Whether on computer, tablet, or mobile, people can access their Facebook feeds in seconds, whenever and wherever they wish. This is why remarketing on Facebook is an absolute necessity in order to reach the people you want to reach. If you are effectively using Facebook to promote your practice, prospective patients are seeing you. When they get sidetracked by their news feed or a notification badge, remarketing will remind them that they recently expressed an interest in your practice. 

While remarketing on Google is a fabulous way to stay in the forefront of the minds of prospective patients, if you leave it at that, you’re still not reaching the optimal number of people. Combine those remarketing efforts with remarketing on Facebook and you’ll be visible to far more people. Now . . . what was it that you were just doing?

With over a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich took her passion for dental marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency. She and her team have helped practices throughout the nation focus their message, reach their target patients, and grow their practice through effective marketing campaigns. When she isn’t helping dental practices reach their full potential, she can be found at the beach with her three dogs or immersed in everything food-related with her large Italian family. For more information, call (800) 689-6434.

About the Author

Jackie Ulasewich

With over a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich took her passion for dental marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency. She and her team have helped practices throughout the nation focus their message, reach their target patients, and grow their practice through effective marketing campaigns. When she isn’t helping dental practices reach their full potential, she can be found at the beach with her three dogs or immersed in everything food-related with her large Italian family. For more information, call (800) 689-6434.