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The changing dental landscape (video)

Nov. 5, 2019
In the latest DE's Recall Visit video, Drs. Chris Salierno and Greg Winteregg read the tea leaves and predict how the business of small-practice dentistry will change in the near future.

What does the future hold for solo practices? Drs. Chris Salierno and Greg Winteregg discuss how the solo practice model continues to evolve. The great recession in 2008 prevented many dentists from realizing their planned retirement, so many baby boomers are still practicing.

But Drs. Salierno and Winteregg agree that it’s not a case of too many dentists. It may be a case of the distribution of dentists. There are huge opportunities for those who are willing to practice in underserved areas and still maintain the lifestyles they desire. Learn more in this latest DE’s Recall Visit discussion video below.

To watch other Recall Visit Videos, visit Dental Economics on YouTube.