Kevin Henry

Editor's Note

April 1, 2013
Welcome to the new and very much improved look of Proofs. I originally wrote "Proofs magazine" there but that's what it was, not what it is.

Kevin Henry | Editor
[email protected]

Welcome to the new and very much improved look of Proofs. I originally wrote "Proofs magazine" there but that's what it was, not what it is. This is now the digital edition of Proofs, and with it, my editorial team and I have many more opportunities to tell you the stories that we think are important to you and our industry.

As I mentioned last month, you'll be getting a digital edition of Proofs in your e-mail every month, usually on the third Tuesday of the month. You will also still be receiving the Proofs e-newsletter, coming out on the first Tuesday of every month. Additionally, we will print one issue of Proofs in August. In this issue, we will have the "Best of" stories from the year, as well as the annual meetings calendar – and more. This will be mailed to you, just as Proofs magazine has been mailed out for the last 96 years.

What makes the new Proofs better? A great example of our new capabilities can actually be seen in this editor's note. While you can read my words, you can also click in the box above to see a video from me with additional information about this month's issue.

Also, if you look inside my recap of the recently concluded IDS meeting, you'll not only see a video from me that was shot in Cologne, but also a photo slideshow that will give you a real feel for the meeting. Before this month's edition, things like this wouldn't be possible.

We're also giving our advertisers more ways to connect with you, allowing videos and "hot links" to be included in their ads. If you want to find out more information about a company, it's just a click away.

Additionally, the digital edition also allows us more flexibility with our layouts, so we're able to bring you more graphics with each story. You'll see some of those graphics in our two articles that revolve around surveys (pages 22 and 32).

All of this has been optimized to be viewed on a tablet, which will give you an excellent reading experience.

I'd love to hear what you think about the new Proofs, so drop me a line. Read on, this is your Proofs digital edition...