Kevin Henry

Editor's Note:

March 14, 2013
Baseball was my first love. Football was OK. Basketball was something I did when it was too cold outside to do anything else.

Kevin Henry, Editor
[email protected]

Baseball was my first love. Football was OK. Basketball was something I did when it was too cold outside to do anything else. When I was young, both of those "other sports" were simply ways for me to pass the time until baseball season began. There was something about standing in the outfield and not knowing if that ball was going to come my way every pitch that was invigorating to me. I loved trotting out under the lights and feeling those beads of sweat form on a humid summer night in Oklahoma.

I wasn't great at the game, but I loved playing it. I have my share of souvenirs from those days, including memories of a broken nose and jaw. Even after I could no longer play baseball, I wanted to be out on the diamond. To this day, I play slow-pitch softball with my friends from Destiny Church. I refuse to accept I'm getting too old to play (as my mom seems to constantly remind me). When you think you're too old to do something, you are. I refuse to get old so I'll be back out on the diamond this spring … and I can't wait.

I grew up in a family filled with St. Louis Cardinals fans (probably why I am such a diehard Chicago Cubs fan today), and I always loved watching Monday Night Baseball on ABC. Yes, this was before ESPN, when a national baseball telecast was a big and exciting deal. During the 1970s, it seemed like almost every Monday Night Baseball game was the Baltimore Orioles against the New York Yankees. I loved watching those games not because of Jim Palmer or Reggie Jackson, but rather because of what antics the managers (Earl Weaver and Billy Martin) might pull on an ump during the game. I know I know … that's like saying you watch NASCAR just for the crashes or hockey just for the fights, but it's true.

Weaver, who recently passed away, had some great quotes, but one of my favorites is, "A manager's job is simple. For 162 games, you try not to screw up all that smart stuff your organization did last December." That's how I've often felt about my job as the editor of Proofs. When I came into the industry 14 years ago, I was taking over the editor's role from a living legend – Mary Elizabeth Good. She was loved and respected throughout the industry (and rightfully so) because of her passion for her job and the people in dentistry. Suddenly, she was retiring, and here came a guy with a sports public relations background to take over for her. No pressure, right?

My job for 14 years has been to be the best editor I can be and to give you, the readers, the best editorial I can find … and not screw up all the stuff Mary Elizabeth did before I came on board. It's been an honor to be in that role and, thanks to many of you, it has been a role I've cherished and continue to love. I am blessed beyond measure to have so many amazing friends in the dental industry.

This issue marks a dramatic change for Proofs, now in its 96th year of existence. After this issue, Proofs will evolve into a digital magazine with the exception of one print edition in September. I'm very excited about the opportunities that this transformation will bring to our editorial team. We're going to be able to cover in-depth articles about the industry (with a focus on trade shows) on a monthly basis, and bring those stories to you in a format that will be designed for the tablet. With the world going to a mobile format at a staggering rate, we will be right there on iPads, iPhones, and iAnythingElse they come up with in Washington state. This will allow us to bring you the latest information in a visually appealing design (stay tuned for the Proofs redesign, coming with the inaugural April digital edition … I know you will like it).

Yes, Proofs will have 12 digital editions per year, along with a monthly e-newsletter. We will continue to be (just as we always have been) the one source you'll need to keep up with the latest happenings in the industry and trends that will affect your job and business.

What's the bottom line? I want you to keep getting Proofs. If you're reading this editor's note in print, please call (847) 559-7501 or email [email protected] to update your subscription e-mail address. Starting in April, we don't want you to miss a single digital issue … and you won't want to miss it either.

To quote Yogi Berra, another baseball Hall of Famer, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." I'm excited about the journey ahead, and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.

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