Director's Message: Top 10 tips from the Mentor of the Year

May 5, 2014

Technology is awesome, until it is not.

I recently interviewed Susanne Kuehl, who was recently selected as the Philips Sonicare/RDH 2014 Mentor of the Year. I had the intention of including the recording in RDH eVillage. However, the recording was to “scratchy” to replay.


Recent Director’s Messages by Hodsdon


Instead, I include her top tips from the interview. Please be on the lookout for more input from Susanne in upcoming issues of RDH eVillage.

10 Top Tips Susanne Kuehl shared with Kristine Hodsdon:

  1. When you ask for “bread crumbs,” your friends and the universe may instead give you a “loaf of bread.”
  2. Even if something is “hard for you,” lean into being grateful.
  3. Stop apologizing for being how you are and receive the “thank you.”
  4. Toot our own horn!
  5. Giving back is like black calculus coming out of a sulcus (satisfying).
  6. “Blah, blah” is counterproductive! Instead, ask, “What are we going to do?”
  7. With the trends in health care, it’s our time (dental hygienists).
  8. Who are Susanne’s “personal trainers”? According to the RDH article about the Mentor of the Year Award, her children taught “me to prioritize, organize, and keep all plates spinning while staying grounded in what matters. They are happy, healthy, and almost fully launched into their own careers, so I have more time for my own goals now."
  9. If you begin to realize you want more, you have to create more!
  10. Susanne’s only career regret was “"was not having that darn BS degree. I went back to school at Daniel Webster College in Portsmouth, N.H., at night, completing my marketing management degree in 2008."

To your success,
Kristine A. Hodsdon RDH, MSEC

Kristine’s disclosures: Kristine’s free training call, "8 Paths to Flourishing Financially," is at, and she is a consultant and trainer with Pride Institute.