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Letter to our readers regarding coronavirus disruption

March 18, 2020
It's time for the dental community to pull together and support each other during the pandemic. DentistryIQ will continue to provide up-to-date information to help dental teams.

To our loyal followers and friends,

As we are all feeling the impact of in-person social distancing, you can count on our content and online communities to provide industry updates and key information you need to continue to do your job.

We provide our content through multiple social channels and websites, along with digital resources such as webinars, white papers and eBooks, all with the intent of helping you keep informed of the global impact of today’s evolving business environment.

In order to make it easier to access our COVID-19 coverage, we have established two resource centers. Each features original content and links to useful resources:

We want you and your families to stay safe and healthy. As a community, we will make it through these turbulent times.

Best Regards,

Pamela Maragliano-Muniz, DMD | Chief Editor, DentistryIQ

The DentistryIQ Editorial Team

Chris Ferrell | CEO, Endeavor Business Media