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DANB and the DALE Foundation acknowledge and support orthodontic assistants’ careers

Oct. 19, 2020
October is National Orthodontic Health Month, a time to recognize dental assistants who work with orthodontic patients, and especially those who hold DANB’s Certified Orthodontic Assistant certification.

October is National Orthodontic Health Month, the perfect opportunity to highlight the difference that dental team members make in improving orthodontic patients’ lives and smiles.

One of the most important roles in any dental office that treats orthodontic patients is that of the dental assistant. Those assistants who work in the orthodontic specialty area say their careers are incredibly rewarding. “I feel like I am helping children grow into being more confident adults, and adult patients become more confident with their smiles,” says Nancy C., COA.

The Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) acknowledges the critical role that orthodontic assistants play in the dental office and offers resources to help them advance their careers. Earning DANB’s Certified Orthodontic Assistant (COA) certification, for example, can help orthodontic assistants take their careers to the next level, plus enjoy all of the benefits that holding DANB certification brings.

Higher pay

For Janice T., CDA, COA, CPFDA, CDPMA, earning DANB’s COA certification among other certifications has led to an increased salary, a key reason to become certified. “Earning DANB certification was important for me, and it was also important to the doctor I worked for,” Janice says.

Learn more about the financial benefits of DANB certification.

Elevated confidence

Another reason to consider earning DANB certification is to increase your confidence. For Carol O., COA-Emeritus, maintaining DANB certification was essential for being a standout dental professional and leader. “DANB certification builds self-confidence and demonstrates that confidence to the doctor and our patients,” Carol believes. “It enables us to give the patients the best possible, educated care.”

Increased knowledge

Finally, increased knowledge is linked to holding DANB certification. To earn DANB’s COA certification, candidates must pass two exams: DANB’s orthodontic assisting (OA) exam and DANB’s infection control (ICE) exam. Denise R., CDA, COA, RDA, EdD., emphasizes that honing one’s infection control expertise is incredibly important, especially now. Pursuing DANB COA certification is one way to accomplish this.

“Dental infection control education is critical,” says Denise R. “Uneducated dental assistants can unknowingly spread infections to their patients, themselves, and other members of the dental office.” Denise adds that holding DANB certification, including COA certification, has expanded her career exponentially. “It just took it to another level,” she shares.

Prepare for DANB exams

For assistants who want to earn DANB COA certification, the DALE Foundation offers review courses and practice tests to help prepare for exam day:

Visit the DANB and DALE Foundation websites to learn more about growing your orthodontic assisting career.