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The DALE Foundation offers special promotion in honor of DARW

March 22, 2017
In honor of Dental Assistants Recognition Week, the DALE Foundation is offering a special deal on its review courses in March.
Dental assistants across the country recently celebrated their profession during Dental Assistants Recognition Week (DARW) from March 5-11. DARW may have officially ended, but the DALE Foundation, the official affiliate of the Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB), wants to extend the celebration with a special gift. In honor of DARW, the DALE Foundation is offering a special deal on its review courses in March.

Use the promo code DARW2017 until March 31 to receive $31 off any DANB exam review course. It may be applied to the DANB RHS Review, DANB ICE Review, DANB GC Review Part I, DANB GC Review Part II and DANB AMP Review.

Visit the course catalog now!

This promotion offers busy oral health-care professionals the opportunity to advance their careers while also enhancing the dental team and practice. The most successful dental assistants understand the importance of continuing education. They know they must commit themselves to lifelong learning to deliver the highest quality patient care. And these DALE Foundation courses will help them do just that — whether they are seeking to refresh their knowledge, prepare for DANB certification. or earn continuing education credits.

Created by educators and other subject matter experts in the dental community, the courses offer interactive, online learning experiences that allow users to tackle these complex topics at their own pace within the six-month access period. They may also go back and review any parts of the course at any time and as much as they want to ensure they have a firm grasp of the subjects.

“Dental Assistants Recognition Week is all about highlighting the integral role dental assistants play in the dental office and the dental profession,” said Cindy Durley, MEd, MBA, Executive Director of DANB and the DALE Foundation. “The DALE Foundation is pleased to offer this special promotion to celebrate dental assistants and the valuable contributions they make to benefit patients, dentists, and the dental team.”

Hurry! This special offer won’t last long. It’s only available until March 31.

Happy Dental Assistants Recognition Week!

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