New OSAP–DALE Foundation infection control article now available
This article originally appeared in Dental Assisting Digest e-newsletter. Subscribe to this informative monthly ENL designed specifically for the dental assistant here.
Ensuring that dental instruments used in patient treatment have been properly prepared is one of the most important duties in the dental office. Instrument sterilization is just one step in the chain of procedures needed to prevent the spread of potentially pathogenic microbes from contaminated instruments to patients and dental personnel.
To help dental assistants better understand critical concepts of instrument processing, the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and the DALE Foundation have jointly launched a new interactive online Continuing Dental Education Article (CDEA) module: General Aspects of Instrument Processing.
This article presents a real-world scenario that also provides context for important concepts of instrument processing, along with strategies and recommendations to prepare contaminated instruments for safe reuse.
You will have access to this article for six months, so you can read and review the material at your own pace, on your own schedule. In addition, the interactive format allows you to take notes and access a glossary and links to related resources while you read so you can be sure you understand the information before you take the assessment.
You will earn two CDE credits when you achieve a passing score of 75% on the CDEA module assessment. You will receive your pass or fail result immediately after completing the assessment, and if needed you can take the assessment more than once during your online access period.
Learn how you can get started!
More infection control resources
In addition to this newest article, the DALE Foundation offers several other infection control resources. These include:
• DANB ICE Review course
• DANB ICE Practice Test
• Understanding CDC’s Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings, an online CDEA module codeveloped by OSAP and the DALE Foundation
• OSAP's website offers infection prevention and safety resources
For more information about these and other resources, visit the DALE Foundation catalog.