Nearly half the boys born today will be identified as being on the autism spectrum and one in 88 children are born with this condition. The call-in program will speak with numerous parents, specialists, and professionals who have knowledge of the condition and recovery efforts.
Since March of 2013, Cross Link Radio has brought to light health and wellness issues with expert dentists, dental hygienists, and others at 7 a.m. (Central time).
Cross Link Radio is produced by Diana Corbin, RDH, a member of CAREERfusion and territory rep for Solution Reach. The show’s Twitter hashtag is #XLRautism.
Gutkowski has nearly three decades of dental hygiene experience and nearly 15 years of providing presentations worldwide. She’s an author and micro publisher. Her passion is to help those who are dependent on others for care.
The program is sponsored by Young Dental, Xlear, and VOCO America.
Scheduled guests include:
*Maryann DellaRocco of Matthew’s Puzzle blog. DellaRocco also blogs for Generation Rescue. Her eight-year-old son is nearly fully recovered from ASD.
*Candace McDonald is the executive director of Generation Rescue, a national organization that provides hope, information, and treatment assistance to families affected by autism spectrum disorders. Generation Rescue educates, supports, advocates, and empowers families to achieve a better quality of life, and encourages healthy choices for future generations. Generation Rescue is aresource families turn to when facing a diagnosis.
*Kimberly Ruckman, a mother whose son has autism and has had PANDAS reaction. PANDAS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus.
*Dr. Roy Dittman of the Brighton Method, cleaning up the body to increase chances of conception. Dr. Dittman is the author of Brighton Baby Book One: The Complete Guide to Preconception & Conception.
*Brandon Condie, director of therapy at Chrysalis. In addition to providing residential services for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities, Chrysalis provides in-home services for children--ages two through six--who have a diagnosis of autism.
*Lisa Sykes, a pastor at St. Luke's United Methodist Church. She is an advocate for her son who has autism and is author of Sacred Spark.
*Joslyn Sewell is a dental hygienist and mother of a 10-year-old son with autism. She hosts a popular Facebook page, Autism Ain’t for Sissys. She is the go-to person for dental hygienists to prepare for a patient with autism, as well as preparing a person with autism for a dental appointment.
Bonus extended interviews are also available at
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