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Beloved oral-health innovator Patti DiGangi to retire

Jan. 7, 2021
Over her decades-long career in dentistry, DiGangi has become one of the most trusted voices on billing and coding and has pushed for a more holistic understanding of oral-systemic health. Let's raise a cheer to her as she eases into retirement!

There are those people we meet in life that leave a lasting impact. It may be a friend or a colleague. Dental hygiene has an abundance of talented and knowledgeable voices who teach us about various topics, one of which is Patti DiGangi. 

Patti has become one of the most trusted voices on many educational topics, especially dental billing and coding. She has established herself and her company DentalCodeology as experts on the topic. Her career has touched many corners of the dental field, with a focus the dental hygiene profession. While Patti is humble, there are many aspects to her impressive career that you may not have known about.

Patti’s career in dentistry started many decades ago and she credits working for a progressive dental practice that was paperless before it became the normal. She was a part of a medical malpractice jury and was centered around accurate record keeping. After attending a CE course on dental coding, she felt knew more and could present it in a clearer manner. That moment was the catalyst to the continuation of a good career that has made her a dental icon.

Patti spent the next few years building a program and preparing to speak publicly to present her first CE course, which was attended by one paying attendee (the rest were friends and family). When asked if she set out with a passion to speak on the topic of dental coding, Patti just laughs, with an enthusiastic no! Sometimes you find where there is a need and an interest and run with it. She says dental codes really “chose” her, and I must admit she’s the expert on any coding question you may have.

The more Patti has presented and written on various topics, the more she established herself and her brand DentalCodeology. Her company has become the face of dental coding knowledge, which led her to author a series of books on some of the most confusing coding dilemmas. DentalCodeology has been branded on everything from dental instruments to her own line of saddle stools with Crown Seating.

The creation of the gingivitis code (D4346) was a direct result of Patti’s perseverance to bridge the gap between the prophylaxis and periodontal therapy codes. Patti has surrounded herself with like-minded professionals, which led to the creation of the grassroots group of movers and shakers called the Dental Coding Consortium.

With a leader like Patti, the group has connected hygienists from coast to coast with a goal of having a voice when it comes to CDT codes and provider language. Through her guidance and knowledge, the DCC has even celebrated some wins with a proposal submitted for a new code for counseling for high-risk substance use being accepted as written for 2021. She even has written sections for the CDT coding companions—even the ADA recognizes her expertise!

Through her Beyond Oral Health, network Patti has created a business that provides high quality CE, networking opportunities, and mastermind sessions for dental professionals. She has a reputation for being thorough and engaging in in all her content. Patti has recently sold her Beyond Oral Health business as she begins to phase out and enjoy retirement. The company will continue to be a resource for dental professionals under the new ownership.

One of the most compelling attributes that Patti has contributed to the field of dental hygiene is her open arms and enormous heart. She has learned the business and become a mentor for so many of us who strive to have a voice outside of the operatory. She has reached out and shared her knowledge of the industry and made introductions to help so many hygienists grow. Patti provides guidance and doesn’t hesitate to ask the challenging questions of those she mentors.

Join me as we salute one of the icons in the industry of dental hygiene! She has been awarded the Sunstar Award of Distinction amongst others and recognized for her contributions. Patti DiGangi has touched the lives and minds of so many over the years ultimately creating a stronger voice for hygienists everywhere. I am blessed to call Patti a mentor and most importantly a friend, and one of the most instrumental people in my career advancement. Cheers to you Patti and congratulations on retirement!

About the Author

Jamie Collins, BS, RDH-EA

Jamie Collins, BS, RDH-EA, is a clinical practicing hygienist in Idaho and Washington states. She has been in the dental field for nearly 20 years, both as an assistant and hygienist. With a passion for patient care, especially those with higher risk factors, Jamie enjoys sharing the tips and tricks of dental profession through speaking and writing. In addition to clinical practice Jamie is also an educator, has contributed to multiple textbooks and curriculum development, and contributes as a key opinion leader. Jamie can be contacted at [email protected].