Institute for Oral Health announces plans to donate to scholarship and research grants and to distribute market research survey each year.
The American Dental Hygienists’ Association’s (ADHA) Institute for Oral Health (IOH) recently announced that it will donate half of its profits generated over the last two years to scholarship and research grants throughout its 2015-2016 fiscal year.
The IOH, a philanthropic foundation for the oral health community that supports the charitable educational, research, and scientific endeavors of the ADHA, will allocate more than $68,000 for scholarships, more than $41,000 for research grants and more than $60,000 for community service grants in 2015-2016. The institute has received five times as many requests for scholarships from student hygienists than in previous years, resulting in the decision to distribute a higher percentage of profits to these programs.
IOH to survey dental hygiene audience
Additionally, the IOH announced its inaugural American Dental Hygiene Omnibus Survey. This all-encompassing survey will comprehensively gauge the opinions of approximately 40,000 ADHA members and nonmembers nationwide. The survey will be sent out on an annual basis each winter, evaluating participants on mobile technology usage, consumer influence, education, and purchasing influences and habits, as well as their most desired clinical instruments.
The American Dental Hygiene Omnibus Survey will be distributed in March 2015, with results presented in June in time for the ADHA’s Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) at the 92nd Annual Session on June 17-23, in Nashville, Tenn.
To gain access to the research results, participants must enroll in an IOH Corporate Membership.
“Our current Corporate Members are thrilled that we are providing crucial data to them,” stated Pamela Quinones, RDH, BS, Chair of the Institute of Oral Health Advisory Board. “This is truly the first market research study of its kind and completely unbiased. Any dental manufacturer can have access and input to the content, along with a comprehensive executive summary by becoming a Corporate Member. Some of our Corporate Members have told us a survey of this magnitude might cost them $20,000 to conduct on their own. We’re thrilled we can bring this value to our corporate partners.”
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