median income for Washington DH

Nov. 7, 2011
2011 median annual income for Washington dental hygienists


Total responses: 60
Number of full-time dental hygienists1 who responded to survey: 39

  • Median projected dental hygiene income for 2011: $70,000
  • U.S. Census Bureau median income for one earner: $51,6712
  • Differential: + $18,339
  • % who have received a raise within last 12 months: 16%
  • % who feel that they have received raises at "fair intervals": 14%
  • % who feel that economic conditions have affected their "ability to earn the maximum income" that they pursue: 80%

1 Dental hygiene income was compiled from respondents who said they practice four or five days a week.
2 U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 American Community Survey