2011 Phoenix metropolitan area dental hygiene salaries and benefits

Oct. 24, 2011
2011 Phoenix metropolitan area dental hygiene salaries and benefits

Phoenix metropolitan area — 36 responses

Total responses for Arizona: 42

Average hourly rate for Arizona (which include responses from the Phoenix area): $40.58

Average hourly rate for Phoenix area: $40.49

Average hourly rate for Phoenix area in 2010: $40.14.

Differential: $0.35 increase

The most common hourly rates reported were: $40 (31%) and $44 (14%).

Benefits available through employer

  • Health insurance, 39%
  • Employer contribution towards retirement, 54%
  • Paid vacation and holidays, 86%
  • Paid sick leave, 21%
  • Life insurance, 14%
  • Dental insurance, 18%
  • Disability insurance, 11%
  • CE tuition reimbursement, 39%

Comments about Phoenix

  • The market is continuing to be flooded with new grads who are willing to work for as low as $25.00 per hour. There are new schools popping up everywhere, I don't see the future looking bright for the hygiene profession. I am glad I will be able to retire in 10 years or less. It is important we stand up and everyone get active with their local association and work together to save our profession!
  • I believe something needs to be done about the number of hygiene schools starting up in one area. In the Phoenix area, there are seven hygiene schools and I had no idea how difficult the hygiene market was when I relocated here four months ago. All of my hard work to become hygienist has just been waste of time because there are NO jobs here. I will now be changing careers.
  • I feel very grateful to have a job and one that I enjoy thoroughly. Although I wish I had more benefits, at least I am able to make a decent living.
  • The temporary placement agencies I use have told me that the dentists are seeking hygienist with less than 10 years experience and pay no more than $38/hour without benefits.
  • Too many schools with lower educational standards have opened. Corporations can own practices and have reduced the quality of services. Lots of patients with lost dental insurance benefits.
  • It's a very tough job market. Some dentist's are letting go of their hygienists and doing it themselves (mortifying), or dropping hygiene days to be able fill schedules. Operative is down as well, doctor's schedules light. I think everyone who has a job, is hanging tight in "wait and see what happens with the economy mode" and only making moves if completely necessary.