letter template budget for UOR

June 9, 2010
RDH Under One Roof models a "justification" letter to employers about attending the conference.
I am across a wonderful page at the Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention (OSAP) Web site, Their “justification toolkit” was devised to help members attend the 2010 OSAP meeting this week in Tampa, Fla.Since the economy has caused many dental practices to re-evaluate expenses and budgets, the innovative idea of providing resources for professionals to attend industry meetings is brilliant.The sample letter below is modeled after the OSAP version, except it includes specifics for RDH Under One Roof. In addition, if you have attended an “UOR” conference before, or are familiar with the Orlando area, please consider submitting a cost –saving nugget to [email protected]. I will publish them in the next issues of the RDH eVillage. Let's all help each other get to the meeting!Dear[Dentist’s/ Practice Manager’s Name]:I believe it is vitally important for me to attend the RDH Under One Roof Conference (UOR) 2010 August 5-7th in Orlando, Florida.RDH Under One Roof is an action-packed event offering quality dental hygiene continuing education. RDH exhibitors feature new dental hygiene products, new dental products, and dental equipment. The conference will enable me to attend a number of educational sessions that are directly applicable to my work and will allow me to network with a variety of oral health professionals from around the country.The presentations are tailored to dental hygienists and give information on how to [list benefits to your responsibilities]. I am seeking financial support for the registration fee and travel expenses to the conference. A detailed cost breakdown is included below.After reviewing the conference materials, I have identified a number of educational sessions that will allow me to gain knowledge and understanding about how we can improve our processes. The presentations are facilitated by industry leaders and oral health colleagues who have faced similar challenges. I chose each of these presentations because it is directly related to an issue we are dealing with in [your practice] currently. Getting the information in a seminar format will greatly reduce the research time and facilitate implementation time that would normally incur in researching the topics and incorporating them into clinical care.Incidentally, I have only listed some of the seminars that I will attend. Including them all would make this memo much too long.Here is a breakdown of the conference costs:Roundtrip Airfare:
Roundtrip Airport Shuttle Service: $
Hotel: $174/night
Conference Fee: $340
The opportunity for me to develop significant contacts and gain knowledge in specific areas of my profession makes my attendance at the RDH Under One Roof conference a wise investment, which will yield rich dividends for [the practice].Sincerely,[your name]