preventive implant survey

Oct. 19, 2010
The results of an RDH eVillage survey indicated a high comfort level in addressing preventive concerns with the implant patient.

The preventive treatment of teeth restored with dental implants prompted 76 responses to a survey in the October 8,, 2010, issue of RDH eVillage, and the results indicated a high comfort level addressing clinical and patient education concerns with implant patients.

• 72% said they were “comfortable” with both treating and offering patient instruction regarding implant restorations. However, 15% of dental hygienists said they were not comfortable addressing either treatment or patient instruction in these cases.

• In terms of instruments used to clean implant restorations, 91% said they use plastic instruments, 18% said they use titanium instruments (the survey question allowed more than one answer), and 4% said they do not use a specific instrument for these restorations.

• 97% of the readers said that up to 10% of their patients “complain about a bad taste or odor emanating from their implant restorations.”

• 88% of dental hygienists said that up to 10% of patients exhibit “chronic inflammation around their implants.”

• 72% of dental hygienists have noticed the loss of bone around implants in up to 10% of patients; 22% of readers said bone loss around implant restorations occurred in up to 30% of their patients.

• 86% of dental hygienists said up to 10% of patients “complain about loose screws or crowns.” In addition, 13% said up to 30% of patients voice similar concerns.

• 73% said up to 10% of patients with implant restorations had “metallic and non-aesthetic restorations.” Sixteen percent estimated up to 30% of implant patients, and 7% said half of their patients, reported similar results with the restorations.