Five questions, five answers from women who make a difference
In the company of women ...
Who do you credit as your mentor? My mentors are my first dentist and uncle, Dr. Raymen Wienert, my long-time, now-retired partner, Dr. Larry Barrett, and the AAWD president I followed, Dr. Eleanor Bushee.
What do you feel is your greatest strength and worst weakness? A strength would be that I am sincerely concerned about my profession and respect and appreciate the professionals involved in dentistry. Being involved in organized dentistry is a pleasure, which is an incentive for others to get involved. I enjoy working with people, bringing them together, and discovering their best talents. This helps bring consensus and accomplish goals together. A weakness would be sometimes putting too much on my plate. I constantly work at organizing my time to balance what’s needed in my office, professional work, and personal activities.
If you were to create a book liner jacket for yourself, what would you write? Dr. Kell has had a fulfilling career as a dentist in the private practice of general dentistry, in a great community, and in serving the needs of several generations of patients and friends. She has been involved in a range of activities in dentistry at all levels: local, state, district, national, and international. She has enjoyed working with her colleagues, other professionals, and the public to better the profession and improve the status of oral health locally and around the world.
What three words describe you? Caring, sincere, and hard-working
What is your message to future dentists? Get involved in dentistry, whether it’s being a leader in your office, dental college, research organization, or in organized dentistry.