Th 0606wdj Simplify01


June 1, 2006
This is what we all strive to do. This is a column created to embody a hands-on approach toward user-friendly solutions for our lives.

This is what we all strive to do. This is a column created to embody a hands-on approach toward user-friendly solutions for our lives. Each month I discuss concepts relating to women dentists, their lives, and their work. I focus on alternative dental products, Web sites, books, concepts, and organizations that simplify our world. This month there so many items I wanted to feature, we needed two pages!

Dental Resource Center

Sullivan-Schein Dental


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Sullivan-Schein Dental has created a Web site that includes 3-D, Web-based continuing education (with the ability to track the number of hours of learning), new technology, clinical techniques, drug information, product MSDSs, dental news, and trends. Equipment manuals may be accessed. It would take hours to access all the information available. SSD extends a discount for yearly membership to AAWD members through September. For more information, contact your Sullivan-Schein Dental representative.

Canker Cover


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We always search to help patients through the seven- to 10-day cycle of oral lesions. Canker Cover tablets adhere to the mucosa and contain natural ingredients (menthol, citrus oil, sea salt, and beta carotene) that obtund the pain elicited from the aphthous ulcer and decrease healing time. Each disk becomes a clear patch that adheres to tissue for at least eight hours. It gradually releases active ingredients, serves as a barrier against further irritation, and is excellent for orthodontic lesions. It is available at pharmacies.

DentalEz Prophy Star II

Hygiene Handpiece


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If I had this handpiece when I practiced dental hygiene full time, I would have practiced longer. Weighing 65 grams, this is the lightest handpiece I have tried. It is highly balanced and properly weighted to reduce wrist and hand fatigue. With a 360-degree swivel head, the handpiece is positioned easily. The Prophy Star is lube-free. The Prophy Star II is also sold in a hygiene pack that includes a Titan Plus Sonic scaler with three tips. The weight and maneuverability impressed me.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute


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From the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health, this Web site offers information on heart, lung, and blood diseases, in addition to sleep disorders. Current news releases are available, as well as research on topics such as obesity. The site is accessible to patients and offers dietary suggestions. The NHLBI offers several free publications you may distribute to patients. A catalog is also available. We have found this site highly informative and accessible.

GC Temp Advantage

GC America


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We have used GC Temp Advantage since its launch. Our patients experience almost no postoperative sensitivity with temporary placement. In addition, the temporaries are retained. Temp Advantage is a paste-paste, eugenol-free, automix formulation that is easily dispensed. It exhibits a low-film thickness. Minimal excess is extruded and it’s easily cleaned off the temporary. Chlorhexadine, potassium nitrate, and fluoride decrease sensitivity. For more information, call GC America at (800) 323-7063.

NeoDrys Saliva Absorbents


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These small parotid absorbents pack a punch. They are simple to use, with the water-absorbing, color side toward the buccal mucosa. A gentle water spray is necessary to release the NeoDrys from the tissue.You will be surprised upon removal how much water absorption occurred. In addition to moisture control, they offer great retraction for visualization. For more information, call (800) 235-1863.