היגיינת שיניים בישראל
(Assistance with this article was provided by Yael Carlin, RDH, Chairperson, Israeli Dental Hygiene Association)
Israel, officially the State of Israel, is a parliamentary democracy in the Middle East, on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The Capital is Jerusalem (a fabulous place to visit!), the currency is the Israeli new shekel, and it is on the continent of Asia. The population is 7.766 million (2011) World Bank, and the official languages are Hebrew and Arabic.
I had the privilege of addressing the dental hygienists from Israel at their recent meeting in Tel Aviv. Ester had quite a story to tell about how she escaped from Ethiopia in the middle of the night, walked for days, and was airlifted to Israel in the cover of night. She then became a dental hygienist and is still active today.
The Israeli Dental Hygiene Association (IDHA) represents the 1700 dental hygienists living in Israel, and was formed in 1981. IDHA holds meetings, continuing education programs and scientific symposiums. It provides members with financial and legal advice as well as assistance in finding work.
From Yael: “Also, the audience was very impressed to hear IFDH President Maria Perno Goldie talk about Dental Hygiene - Past, Present and Future.” The meeting was sponsored by Colgate (Israel) and they have 28 exhibitors.