OSAP joins forces with military for infecton control course

July 17, 2002
Slated for October 7-11, 2002, at the National Naval Medical Center's Memorial Auditorium, the intermediate-level course is designed for both civilian dental professionals and federal dental services personnel with responsibilities in infection control and occupational health/safety.

The Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) is joining forces for the second year in a row with the U.S. Navy (USN), the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and the U.S. Army (USA) to offer a comprehensive, continuing-education course on dental infection control and training. Slated for October 7-11, 2002, at the National Naval Medical Center's Memorial Auditorium, the intermediate-level course is designed for both civilian dental professionals and federal dental services personnel with responsibilities in infection control and occupational health/safety.

The program, which seeks to transfer federally developed technology and stimulate a wider interest in dental infection control, is a "train the trainer" program. The goal is to teach participants to implement and manage effective infection control, safety, and health programs in their own practice settings. Taught by experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), leading dental schools and institutions, and the federal Dental Services, the course will emphasize infectious diseases and occupational risks associated with dentistry as well as behavioral change theory to assist participants in training staff and coworkers to modify their practices for the highest degree of safety.

The five-day program covers The Chain of Infection, Practical Infection Control and Safety, Infection Control Program Management and OSHA Compliance. Additionally, the course features a special hands-on session to obtain in-depth understanding of basic infection control practices including handwashing, handling x-ray film aseptically, disinfecting dental impression materials, sterilization, disinfection/barriers, treatment and monitoring of waterlines and epidemiology.

Participants can earn approximately 35 hours of continuing-education credit (AGD/DANB). According to program organizers CDR Sharon Baker, USN, Lt. Col. Jennifer Harte, USAF, and Col. Linda Basquill, USA, the course will be particularly valuable to large civilian dental practices, health maintenance organizations, dental insurers, dental product sales and marketing staff, dental infection control consultants, dental educators, and infection control nurses who work closely with dental clinics.

Tuition is $350 for nonmilitary personnel (OSAP members receive a $50 discount), $100 for federal service attendees. Registration closes October 1, 2002. For details, contact the OSAP Central Office, 800-298-OSAP (800-298-6727).