ANNAPOLIS, Maryland--A State-Required Infection Control Course for Dentistry will be offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 1 at the Charlotte Westin Hotel in Charlotte, N.C.
The course, which is co-sponsored by the Statewide Program for Infection Control & Epidemiology and the Organization for Safety & Asepsis Procedures, will provide a way for dental professionals in North Carolina to comply with state law.
The State-Required Infection Control Course for Dentistry meets the requirements of the North Carolina Administrative Code 10A NCAC 41A.0206 Infection Control in Health Care Settings rule.
This North Carolina law requires that all healthcare facilities (including dental) designate a staff member to direct infection control activities, and that the designated person complete a state-approved course addressing seven specific areas. Annual OSHA updates do not fulfill the requirements of this state law.
The State-Required Infection Control Course for Dentistry, sponsored by OSAP and SPICE, will cover the following required topics: epidemiologic principles of infectious diseases; principles and practice of asepsis; sterilization, disinfection, and sanitation; universal blood and body fluid precautions; engineering controls to reduce the risk of sharps injuries; disposal of sharps; and techniques that reduce the risk of sharp injuries to healthcare workers.
The program offers seven hours of CE units.
For more information or to register, call (800) 298-6727 or go to