ADAA Update

Jan. 1, 2004
Through the years, the American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA) has sought to help dental assistants and our profession of dental assisting grow.

Reach Out and Grow

Through the years, the American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA) has sought to help dental assistants and our profession of dental assisting grow. We have often felt like a voice in the wilderness calling and reaching out and hearing few responses. Too often we hear the phrase "you're the best kept secret in dentistry." And yet, there's no reason why we should be.

Our very beginnings date to a conference of the American Dental Association (ADA) and with its blessings, we began. As our numbers grew and our activities blossomed, we were soon in the business of accrediting dental assisting schools, a process we turned over to ADA because we felt their enormous resources of professional manpower and their public image would better serve dental assisting education.

Our connection with ADA has continued through the years, and our convention was held in conjunction with theirs until recently when we began a joint meeting with the Academy of General Dentistry. We continue a splendid relationship with ADA through cooperation in developing educational programs for dental assistants and making them available to all of dentistry through our catalog and theirs. We cosponsored education at the ADA convention in San Francisco. We enjoy complimentary exhibit space in the ADA's exhibit hall from time to time as we continue to be part of their annual convention.

Most dental assistants with a certification from the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) must know that the ADAA originated the Certified Dental Assistant program. About 25 years ago, it was released to an independent body, DANB, to retain and continue its objectivity and quality.

The ADAA is proud to be the presenter of continuing-education programs at the Chicago Dental Society's Midwinter Meeting, Hinman, Greater New York, Yankee Dental, Southern California, Hispanic Dental Association, and other of America's largest dental meetings. These meetings value our ability to provide timely and appropriate continuing education for dental team staff members.

In addition, ADAA is cosponsoring education at next summer's conference with the American Association of Women Dentists, and is developing a recognition program with the American College of Prosthodontists for their dental assistants. Our November/December issue of the Journal proudly carries a comprehensive infection control and safety checklist in the form of a CE course which was graciously provided by the Office of Safety & Asepsis Procedures (OSAP). This same group will sponsor continuing education at our Annual Conference in 2004.

With all this outreach, why does the ADAA remain such a secret? Our conference last summer hosted a large international audience with registrants from Canada, Finland, South Africa, the U.S. Military, and our own members from throughout the United States. In addition, the ADAA central office in Chicago has hosted delegations from Denmark, Lithuania, Germany, and Great Britain during the last 18 months.

If the people in this massive list of organizations and individuals all know about the ADAA, isn't it time we told the nonmember assistants next door what a great opportunity they're missing? If you're not a member, join us — reach out and grow professionally. If you are a member — reach out and tell another and help us to grow numerically. Join the people who make dental assisting a profession. Become part of our growing world as a member of the ADAA and help shape both your future and our own. Join the world of ADAA, AGD, ADA, OSAP, DANB, and the many others who support the ever-changing world of dentistry and the dental team.

Kay Mosley, CDA
ADAA President

New CE Courses from the ADAA

Management of HIV/AIDS Patients in Dental Practice

Since the first reported outbreaks of HIV/AIDS, great strides have been made in the treatment of disease-related opportunistic infections, neoplasms, and neurological disorders. Combined use of multiple antiviral agents and preventive treatment for pregnant women has increased the number of infected persons living longer and seeking regular dental care. This disease continues to devastate countries in Africa and Southeastern Asia and has increased significantly in China and Russia. In the United States, high-risk groups have started to reject prevention schemes. Learn the consequences for today's modern dental practice.

#0204 4 Credit Hours $36 Member $50 Non-member

Carbonated Beverages – The Pouring Rights Dilemma

Learn why we are seeing an increase in soda drinking with children and how it is affecting dentistry today. Includes the harmful effects of soft drinks to enamel and supplies alternatives to soft drink consumption. Describes the "pouring rights" concepts, why schools are using it, and ways to combat the marketing methods used by soft drink companies, on and off school grounds.

#0207 1 Credit Hour $15 Member $22 Non-member

Gingival Health – Periodontal Assessment

An introduction to finding, locating, and assessing periodontal diseases. Included is the importance of the initial examination, the recording of in-depth information in the patient record, and types of clinical evidence that can be found on radiographs. Also covered are the pitfalls involved with inaccurate sulcus depth readings, mobility, and furcation classifications.

#0208 2 Credit Hours $22 Member $32 Non-member

Radiation Biology, Safety and Protection for Today's Dental Assistant

This summary demonstrates how the study of radiation biology began and how radiation safety and protection measures evolved from early research efforts to formally established organizations that examine leading scientific thought and provide guidance and recommendations on radiation protection and measurement. The subsequent information will provide an overview of radiation biology and the safety and protection measures that the dental assistant can implement to reduce radiation exposure to dental patients, as well as minimize occupational exposure.

#0209 5 Credit Hours $45 Member $56 Non-member

Medications as Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease

As our population ages, increased numbers of patients will be using a variety of medications. These medications may benefit the general health of a patient, but consideration must also be given to the impact of these agents, both prescription and over-the-counter, on gingivitis and periodontitis. The risk factors associated with the use of various types of medication and periodontal disease are discussed.

#0210 2 Credit Hours $22 Member $32 Non-member

Hepatitis: What Every Healthcare Worker Needs to Know

This course provides an overview of Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E with a special emphasis on the bloodborne viruses. An explanation of modes of transmission, epidemiology and prevention of these potentially life-threatening infections is presented in a clear and informative manner. Know which hepatitis viruses may pose a risk in the dental healthcare setting and important precautions for prevention of the spread of hepatitis, including the latest vaccine recommendations, infection-control precautions, and postexposure management.

#0212 4 Credit Hours $36 Member $50 Non-member

To order these courses, or for a complete course listing, write, call or fax:
American Dental Assistants Association
35 E. Wacker Dr., #1730
Chicago, IL 60601.
Phone 312-541-1550 x 211; Fax 312-541-1496.
Visa and MasterCard welcome. You can also obtain a complete course listing and membership application from our Web site at

Dental Assistants Recognition Week

March 7-13, 2004 Get a Kit, Get Going!
Each year, we encourage everyone in dental assisting to create and participate in activities that call attention to the profession. All ADAA state and local presidents will receive a kit of DARW materials during January, and anyone may request a kit by writing or faxing ADAA (numbers above), or e-mail [email protected]. No phone calls, please.