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Sept. 1, 2007
Dental Assistant Chicago, IL

Dental Assistant Chicago, IL

What do you like most about being a dental assistant?

To me, the gift of changing a person’s life is the most rewarding part of my job. I love educating people on how important it is to maintain a healthy smile. At the end of the day, when I can walk out the door and say, “Today I changed someone’s life,” that is the best part of being a dental assistant.

You attended the last two PDA meetings. What did you like the most about being a part of PDA?

Wow! Well, this is our meeting. All of it is about us and about making us feel like the important link to the office that we are. All of the vendors focus on us, not the dentists or hygienists. Learning new techniques through all the courses gives us the opportunity to share our input on important matters. Meeting assistants from all over the country and sharing ideas and stories has been the highlight of these meetings for me.

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What is the best thing about working in downtown Chicago?

The people I meet. Also, it’s wonderful when the sun is shining and I can look out my office window and enjoy the Magnificent Mile view.

What’s the one message you’d like to send to other dental assistants reading this magazine?

Educate yourself. Make your dentist understand how important it is for you to learn new things, and make sure he or she sends you to meetings - they are a great benefit to your office. Most of all, join your association - the benefits are incredible! PDA is doing a wonderful thing for all dental assistants and you can’t miss out on this meeting. Be part of a wonderful thing. It is an experience that you will not regret.

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