
The top 10 articles from during June 2014

July 1, 2014
Associate Editor Vicki Cheeseman takes a look at the 10 most popular articles on during the month of June.

It’s summer. It’s hot, but at least there’s some good stuff to read. Here’s a look at what you might have missed on during the month of June. Don’t take my word for it, though; you can read these articles for yourself! I’ve given you the links, so prop up your feet and stay awhile.

You thought the issue of mouthwash and cancer had been resolved. Nope. It’s in the news again. You can read about it from Maria Perno Goldie, RDH, MS, the editorial director of RDH eVillage FOCUS. She goes through the science and the latest news. Readers ranked this article No. 1 during the month of June.

Read: “Mouthwash and cancer in the news again!”

Did you know there are four supplements dental professionals need to discuss with periodontal patients? You can find out about these nutritional supplements and learn about some of the documented effects they had on periodontal disease from Bobbie DelSasso, RDH, in article No. 2.

Read “4 supplements that dental professionals need to discuss with periodontal patients”

Do you have problems with high numbers of no-shows and cancellations? They can create lots of stress for dental professionals, because they affect lots of things — from the schedule to profitability to case acceptance, and even your hygienist’s salary. Kristine Hodsdon, RDH, MSEC, editorial director of RDH eVillage, talks about 10 items to look for and what you can do. Read more in article No. 3.

Read “Director's Message: Whose fault is it anyway — no-shows and cancellations?”

Debbie Seidel-Bittke, RDH, BS, writes about that unease some hygienists feel when the dentist enters the treatment room. Sometimes there’s concern that the dentist will keep the patient waiting for an exam and delay the schedule. Sometimes the doctor feels like there’s been no conversation about the patient’s teeth prior to his or her entering the treatment room. Clearly, a strategic plan needs to be in place. Read article No. 4 to be better prepared between patients and create a stress-free day.

Read “3 steps for creating effective doctor hygiene exams”

Doug Perry is the guy you hire to help you with your resume, so he knows what you need to include. In article No. 5, he talks about what he calls a “testimonial sheet” and gives you guidelines on how to use this tool for effective job hunting. More than that, he explains the deeper reasons why these testimonial sheets really work.

Read “Goodbye traditional job references, hello testimonial sheets”

In article No. 6, Tracy Anderson Butler, RDH, MFT, dispels five myths about gingival attachment. She even goes one step further and offers valuable chairside aids and research articles that you can download free. Her last sentence sums it up, “It is important to take an interdisciplinary approach between the dental hygienist, general dentist, and periodontist to determine the individual needs of each patient and communicate as a team with the patient to understand the true cause of recession and a plan to reverse it.”

Read “The truth about recession: Dispelling 5 myths about gingival attachment”

Earlier in the year, the Cochrane Collaboration independently reviewed the safety and effectiveness of toothpastes containing triclosan. DentistryIQ’s Managing Editor Zachary Kulsrud interviewed Dr. Fotinos Panagakos, global director of scientific affairs for Colgate, about what the positive findings mean for Colgate’s line of toothpastes that contain the active ingredient triclosan/copolymer. You can read all about it in article No. 7.

Read “Interview with Dr. Fotinos Panagakos: What the independent Cochrane Collaboration findings on triclosan mean for Colgate”

You are what you eat. And your teeth are too. That’s the focus of this great infographic about tooth decay in article No. 8 that readers ranked so highly. Use this as a patient education tool in your practice as you teach patients about the “good guys” and “bad guys” in foods and how they affect the teeth. Your patients will be surprised at how tooth decay can affect everyone, regardless of age.

Read “Infographic: The Tooth Decay Index”

Flexi Floss recently introduced a flexible, medical-grade silicone rubber floss called Gummy Floss that is suitable for all ages. It is a dental hygiene device custom designed to overcome the challenges of acquiring and maintaining good oral hygiene habits. If it makes flossing fun and easy, it might speak to those hard-to-motivate patients. You can read about it in article No. 9.

Read “Flexible, medical-grade silicone rubber floss introduced”

So you come to work every day and work your buns off, but there’s that one person in your practice who is the thorn in your side. You know, the person who just doesn’t perform up to snuff and doesn't pull his or her own weight. What do you do about it? Lisa Newburger, LISWS, has a few suggestions on how to protect yourself and your practice. Don’t wait any longer; start reading and start fixing the problem in article No. 10.

Read: “How to get rid of the “slacker” in your dental practice”

Vicki Cheeseman is an associate editor in PennWell’s Dental Division. She edits for, Surgical-Restorative Resource, Dental Economics, DE’s ENDO File, Bracing for Success, and RDH. Follow her on Twitter @vlcheeseman or contact her by email at [email protected].
About the Author

Vicki Cheeseman | Associate Editor

Vicki Cheeseman is an associate editor in Endeavor Business Media’s Dental Group. She edits for Dental Economics, RDH, DentistryIQ, and Perio-Implant Advisory. She has a BS in mathematics and a minor in computer science. Early on she traded numbers for words and has been happy ever since. Vicki began her career with Dental Economics in 1987 and has been fascinated with how much media production has changed through the years, yet editorial integrity remains the goal. In her spare time, you’ll find her curled up with a book—editor by day, reader always.