Hands-On dental participation workshops offered

Jan. 24, 2006
Workshops, offered by Drs. Barry Lee Musikant and Allan S. Deutsch, will be free for dental residents and students.

South Hackensack, NJ — In 2005, Drs. Barry Lee Musikant and Allan S. Deutsch opened the doors of their year-old 2,000 sq. ft. dental education center to the area's hospitals and universities to educate residents and students on new and innovative techniques and products proven to produce superior results, improve productivity and grow confidence in clinicians.

In the safety of this hands-on facility student and residents practice these techniques on extracted teeth and then are able to view x-rays of their results on the big screen.

For 2006 they would like to take these participation workshops on the road to your clinic, hospital or university.

Contact Kristen Bauer by phone at 201-487-9090 or e-mail at [email protected] to schedule a free lecture and hands-on participation workshop for your students and residents!