Dental Hygienist Salary Survey 2014
Difficulty in finding a job as a dental hygienist in Illinois
Observation: Illinois is six percentage points above the national average (46%) of being “very difficult” to find a dental hygiene position. Hygienists in the Chicago metro area represented 69% of the responses. So the nation’s third largest city undoubtedly influences the perception about the job market.
Length of time since last pay raise in Illinois
Observation: Within a percentage point here and there, Illinois hygienists are within range of the national averages, with one exception. The national average of hygienists who have never received a raise is 13%. So being under 10% is good news for Illinois.
Most common hourly pay rates in Illinois
$35, $37, $38
Observation: Illinois matches up well with the national averages. Again, though, remember the influence of Chicago on the survey results, where the cost of living is higher than average.
Descriptions of pay arrangements based on production or commission
- 35% of my production (this includes any procedure in which I preform and also includes the doctor's exam)
- Plus 25% of my production for the day
- I technically earn $31 an hour but an extra $5 for every adult prophy and quad of SRP averaging $38/hour
- I earn 34% of my production. Including prophies, X-rays, whitening, sealants, periodontal therapy, and fluoride treatments.
- 40% of prophies, films and flourides, and sealants.
- 20% on all treatment done in hygiene room or hourly rate, whichever is higher.
- I make 22% of any service that I provide of UCR fees, not on what is collected. I make 22 hourly as a base pay but rarely does it come to that.
- 36% of all my production except exam.