Th 0605wdj Chap01

Chapter News

May 1, 2006
What’s going on in your neighborhood?

What's going on in your neighborhood?

News In Oklahoma -
The Oklahoma AAWD annual spring luncheon celebrating the 20th anniversary of OAWD and honoring female senior dental students was Saturday, April 22 at Vito’s Ristaurante in Oklahoma City. Each new dentist was presented with an engraved business card case. Senior Kesa McConnell was recognized with the American Association of Women Dentists’ Eleanor Bushee Award for outstanding leadership and academic excellence.

Dr. Mary E. Martin and Kesa McConnell

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Past presidents in attendance included Drs. Mary Martin (1985-87, 1999-2000), Krista Jones (1988-89), Becky King-Rackley (1992-93), Teresa White (1993-94), Laura Ousley (1997-98, 2001-02), Tamara Berg (1998-1999), Dana Martin (2002-03), Teresa Davis (2003-04), and Jeanne Panza (2004-06).

The surprise was the first presentation of the Mary E. Martin Scholarship. State and national dentists contributed to initiate the annual scholarship to be presented to a female dental student. As one of the founding dentists of OAWD, it was time to recognize Dr. Martin’s efforts. Our first recipient of the $750 Mary E. Martin Scholarship is Ashley Coerver, DS II, of Ada, Okla. She is involved with OAWD at the dental school and will serve on the state OAWD board.

Suzie Beavers installed new officers for 2006-07: President Dr. Tamara Berg; Vice President Dr. Tennille Cheek-Covey; Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Mary Martin; Member at Large Dr. Lisa Holden; and Student Representative Ashley Coerver.

For information about donating to the Dr. Mary E. Martin scholarship or to be on our mailing list, reach Dr. Tamara Berg at (405) 354-3763 or [email protected]

The Oxford Spa and Salon was the location of the continuing-education course for dentists, staff, and students Sunday, March 5. Dr. Tracy McIntire spoke on oral and facial cosmetic surgery. Mini pedicures and massages were provided by the spa. This will become an annual event.

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And recently, female dental students at the Oklahoma University College of Dentistry were treated to a panel discussion. Drs. Michelle Decker, Thai-An Doan, Krista Jones, and Laura Ousley ­participated in the discussion led by Interim President Dr. Tamara Berg. The panel answered questions about balancing family life and dentistry.

Smiles for Life 2005

These dentists participated in the Crown Council’s Smiles for Life. Half of the money raised went to the Smiles for Success Foundation.

Dr. Rebecca Box Davis $1,500

Dr. Trucia Drummond $ 359

Dr. Jean Furuyama $ 788

Dr. Treva Lee $ 299

Dr. Risé Lyman $ 300

Total raised: $3,246

Form a Chapter

Starting a local chapter or study club is easier than you might think. Here’s how:

Local Chapter Handbooks give step-by-step instructions on everything you need. Headquarters can help you plan a kick-off reception. We’ll provide a list of women dentists in your area, help with marketing, mailings, and meeting arrangements. We’ll even help you find a top-notch speaker.

Once you get your chapter running, we can help you with renewals, sponsorship, and planning programs. For more information, call AAWD Headquarters at (800) 920-2293 or [email protected].


AAWD Annual Meeting - July 13-15. The 85th Annual Meeting and Conference will be in Chicago. Visit for more information, or call (800) 920-2293.

First Wednesday

First Wednesday Web Cast is an interactive, continuing-education study club sponsored by the AAWD, Dentsply Clinical Education, and WDJ. Programs are at 9 p.m. EST on the first Wednesday of each month.

To enroll, logon to Participation is encouraged for dental professionals interested in innovative clinical education. One CE credit is awarded. Call Cynthia Hospador at (800) 877-0020 ext. 54420 for more information. The next Web cast is:

June 7 - Dr. Jennifer Cha “Immediate Implants, Immediate Load”