Student chapters will now receive a $10 rebate for every student who joins AAWD at the national level. This rebate program began on Oct. 31, 2003, and certain rules apply. The student chapter must:
- Submit the name of their chapter and a list of current officers
- Submit roster of members and include dues payment for each member
- Rebates will be processed in approximately four weeks
If you want information on how to start a student chapter in your school, contact the AAWD office at (800) 920-2293.
Details regarding the following programs for dental students have been mailed to the designated Women's Liaison Officer at your school (mailed Jan. 5, 2004). Please see your WLO for an application for the following programs:
- The Colgate-Palmolive Research Award is given to 10 outstanding junior/senior women who have excelled in academics and research in the dental field. This monetary award is given during our annual meeting and is sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive. (Application deadline: March 1, 2004)
- The Eleanor Bushee Senior Student Dental Award is provided to all dental schools to select an outstanding senior dental student. Each senior dental student selected to receive this award is presented with a certificate from AAWD. The list of recipients is printed in the Chronicle published in Woman Dentist Journal. (Submission deadline: April 1, 2004)
Have some news about your student chapter that you would like to share?
Submit your articles (complete with photos) to:
AAWD, 330 South Wells, Suite 1110, Chicago, IL 60606 or via email, [email protected]