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President’s Letter

Jan. 1, 2007
A few weeks ago, I met two of my women dentist friends for dinner. It took several months of planning because we are so busy with practices and families.

A Publication of the American Association of Women Dentists - Enriching and nurturing the diverse lives of women dentists

A few weeks ago, I met two of my women dentist friends for dinner. It took several months of planning because we are so busy with practices and families. As we sat down, we started catching up. Three and a half hours later, we were still talking in the parking lot. We discussed our practices - assistants, new employees, respect issues, retirement, ethical dilemmas, treatment concerns, what kind of post system to use, and much more. We discussed our families - nannies and child care, breastfeeding and infants, pregnancy and husbands.

I am thankful for friends who listen, encourage, enrich, and offer great advice because they have been there and done that. To me, this is the heart of AAWD. As I become president of this organization, I am reminded that AAWD is a safe place for women dentists to meet, share, feel comfortable, and hang out where we are understood and appreciated. We need a place that will overcome indifference and push us; a place that elevates women to leadership.

I recently met with a group of women in Sugarland, Texas, who are starting a local AAWD chapter. At the first meeting, 22 women came. For some of us, meetings such as these will be our only opportunity to connect with other women dentists in our area. One of my goals as president is to reach more women on a local level.

Throughout my dental career, my mom has always encouraged me. I remember saying to her, as I faced several challenges getting started in dental school, “I just can’t imagine doing anything else but dentistry.” She didn’t hesitate. “Then that is what you need to do, and don’t give up until you do it.” I became involved with AAWD when I started dental school in 1995 in Houston. Reading those monthly newsletters assured me that I, too, could follow women who had developed successful practices. Once a month, we discussed current dental issues. I looked forward to those times because they gave me a sense of community.

I currently practice dentistry in my hometown of Cleveland, Texas, with an all-women office team. I love every minute of it. God has given me a heart for women and provided not just jobs, but a community where we will be recognized for who we are - wives, aunts, daughters, sisters, moms - and for the contributions we make to dentistry. As I start this year as president, there are several major things taking place in my life. I am preparing to build a new office, and there is the possibility of starting a family. My wonderful husband of eight years will be there every step as he always is, constantly giving me his unwavering support. In addition, I know that my family of women dentists will also be there to give advice and encouragement.

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I look forward to serving you as president. Let’s join together and make AAWD an even better place by increasing our membership through more local chapters, increasing our corporate sponsors and the benefits they offer, and coming together at our annual meeting in Colorado this July. This is going to be a great year for AAWD. Don’t miss it!

Anything you care to share? Send articles for publication consideration, life stories, member news, local and student chapter news, and member spotlight recommendations to: Dr. Sheri B. Doniger at [email protected].


Take the cake!
Oprah Winfrey is still licking her lips after tasting a rum cake created by Tracey D. Hughes, the daughter of AAWD’s past president, Dr. Sandra Harris.

Hughes is president and CEO of The Rum Cake Fairy Dessert Co., LLC. To see the December 2006 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, visit

To try the treat for yourself, visit www.rumcake or call (888) 488-8RUM.

MOVERS AND SHAKERS of the dental industry gathered for the Women in the Dental ­Profession and Dental Trade Community Luncheon during the Greater New York Dental Meeting in November. The event was a joint effort between the Dental Trade Alliance and the AAWD.

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New Chapters
We’re pleased to announce the formation of several local and student chapters during 2006, including Jackson, Miss., Northern New Jersey, Houston, and Kansas City, Mo. Watch for chapters starting in San Diego, Minneapolis, Minn., and Richmond, Va. Don’t have a chapter? Start one! Reach Dr. Tawana Lee, director of local chapter development, at [email protected], or call AAWD Headquarters, (800) 920-2293.

AAWD Money Market

Long-time corporate member and AAWD supporter Penn Security Bank and Trust Company has created a new AAWD Money Market account designed to offer high rates of interest for deposited funds that are easily accessible daily. Call Chris Casciano, (800) 327-0394 ext. 340, or e-mail him at [email protected].

Thank You, Sponsors

Thanks to the following companies for continued support of the American Association of Women Dentists.

Platinum Sponsors: DENTSPLY International, Nobel Biocare, PennWell Publications

Gold Sponsor: Procter & Gamble

Silver Sponsor: Penn Security Bank & Trust Company

Strategic Alliance Partner: Sullivan-Schein Dental

Corporate Benefactors: 3M ESPE, Crosstex International, GEICO, KaVo, Kodak Dental Systems, National Dentex Corporation, Patterson Supply Company, Sunstar

Partnering with AAWD is a great way to create visibility for your company and learn more about the fastest-growing segment of the dental profession - women! To learn more about AAWD sponsorship opportunities, reach Dr. Jean Furuyama, director of corporate relations, at [email protected] or AAWD headquarters at (800) 920-2293.

Save the Date

AAWD’s 2007 Annual Meeting and Conference - Reaching Your Peak Potential - will be July 20 and 21, 2007, at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs. This is the perfect setting to bring your whole family. Mark your calendar for this inspiring weekend created by women dentists, for women dentists.

2007 will be a great year with the momentum put forth by these inspirational women!