NSRG sponsors mentor award, and prizes for recruitment

Dec. 7, 2005
The National Student Research Group seeks input from students.

Mentor award

Do you have a faculty advisor who deserves recognition for going "the extra mile?" If so, please nominate him or her for the NSRG's Mentor of the Year Award www.dentalresearch.org

The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2005. The 2005 winner will be announced at the 2006 AADR Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Get money for your school's Student Research Group!

The National Student Research Group conducts several contests each year that could result in more money for your local SRG!

• $200 Prize — The school that recruits the most new AADR Student Members.

• $200 Prize — The school that recruits the greatest percentage of new Student Members (relative to the number of students in the dental school).

• $300 Prize — The school that has the most student abstracts accepted for the 2006 AADR Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.

The new-member category deadline is December 31, 2005. Winners will be acknowledged and awarded at the National Student Research Group Business Meeting at the AADR Meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Show off your SRG's newsletter and win! Send in samples of your local Student Research Group's newsletter (print and online issues are eligible) for the newsletter competition. The best newsletter wins $100 for your school, and the deadline is December 31, 2005.

For more details, check out the NSRG Web sitewww.dentalresearch.org.