To help maintain a sufficient number of well-qualified faculty members at the nation's dental schools, the American Dental Association Foundation (ADAF), charitable arm of the American Dental Association, is requesting proposals for innovative methods to recruit and retain new faculty members.
Today, there are upwards of 310 unfilled faculty positions in U.S. dental schools. The unfilled numbers will grow in anticipation of retirement of the 20 percent of current faculty members that are over 60 years of age. In addition, some 50 percent of current dental school faculty is over the age of 50 years.
As a result, the ADA Foundation developed its Request for Proposal titled, "Enhancing the Dental School Faculty Workforce." Proposal objectives include supporting innovative projects to foster and encourage students to pursue full-or part-time teaching careers in dentistry; increasing the number of qualified faculty in dental schools; and increasing the diversity of dental education faculty.
Proposals of up to $100,000, submitted by not-for-profit organizations in the United States and its territories, are eligible for consideration. Examples of eligible organizations include accredited dental schools, advanced education programs, dental specialty organizations and national dental-related organizations.
Final postmark date for proposals is June 1, 2005, with the earliest award date of August 31, 2005. For additional information visit or contact Robert Czarnecki, director of administration, ADA Foundation at (312) 440-2544 or [email protected].